Thursday, February 10, 2011

Special Olympics Meeting

Today was the County Special Olympics meeting and it went well. The snow knocked a few of the members out of attendance. We did however accomplish a lot in the meeting. I am happy to say that it seems to be going well.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I have recently given much thought to Special Olympics in my county. I now see a real need to make the program larger. I am going to begin working on a program to expand beyond school age children. I would like to see the program grow and include adults with Special Needs. I teach students with disabilities and who benefit from the ability to participate in Special Olympics. This gives me great pleasure in life. However, these children that I have grown to love will not always be children. They too will grow to be adults. I do not want their oppertunities to stop at graduation. I want to see them continue to excell and proceed in the adventure of Special Olympics. Our county is new to Special Olympics and we can benefit from any advise anyone can give so please feel free to comment and offer some helpful advise.